Yay! *Claps eagerly* I got awarded this by Mickayla from the blog, Pencils Can Change the World! This is too exciting! Thank you so much, Mickayla!!!
11 Random Facts About Me
This has to be the best award ever because I am like, really weird!
1. I wore converse shoes to a movie premiere.
2. I got to film a movie in Ireland.
3. I used to hate acting. Now I love it ;)
4. I am still trying to figure out exactly how to sign my name for an autograph. Every way I try takes too long.
5. I favorite music artist is Superchick.
6. I avoid checking my Facebook account.
7. I love bright colors, especially hot pink!
8. I love to dance!
9. The most beautiful place I have ever been to is the Grand Canyon.
10. I really don't like math.
11. I love all things medieval.
11 Answers to 11 Questions
1. In your spare time, would you rather: read, write, draw, or cook? Read!!! There is nothing like a good book.
2. Are you currently working on writing a novel? No... the only writing that I do is for my blog and school.
3. If you said yes to the last question, what genre? I didn't say yes...so...
4. Have you ever gotten a book published? Nope! Never written a book before! But I do publish posts as often as I can!
5. When did you start blogging? I started blogging on June 1st, 2014 and I love it!
6. Do you like going to bed with wet hair? Yes! I love it! People think I'm crazy, but hey, I am crazy!
7. What is your favorite Bible verse? My favorite Bible verse has to be Mark 16:15.
8. How often do you post on your blog? Umm...I try to do it at least 4 times a week...but sometimes filming gets a bit crazy for that.
9. Have you ever been nominated for a different blogger award? No. This is my first, and I'm really excited about it!
10. What is your favorite thing to draw (if you draw)? Stick figures! I can't draw anything else. LOL!
11. How do you make tough decisions? I pray about the decision and talk to my parents.
So, technically I am supposed to now nominate 9 bloggers who have under 200 followers to receive the award. But, I don't know any bloggers who meet that criteria who haven't already done it! So, if you have under 200 followers and you would like to do it, go ahead!
My Questions For You:
1. Why did you start blogging?
2. (Random question), what is the color of your ceiling?
3. What kind of shoes do you most often wear?
4. What is your favorite game to play?
5. Read, watch a movie, write, or play a game?
6. If you could be born in another time period, what would it be?
7. What is your favorite Bible verse?
8. Do you wear sunglasses when you are out in the sun?
9. Are you right-handed or left-handed?
10. What is the most fun thing that you do?
11. Do you like to eat?