
About Me

Hey All!  Okay, so I was going to write my own about me page, but then I got a call for an interview, so I'm just going to use that.  :)

How do you feel your acting was in your debut movie? Yeah, I did great...I mean, what did you expect me to say, I am the worst actress who ever walked the planet?

Haha.  I guess not.  Were you instantly famous in your hometown?  Yeah...I can't even go to my favorite restaurant with out being swarmed with fans.  Not saying I don't like my fans...

What is your favorite restaurant?  Oh, that's easy!  Holly's Deli!

I've never heard of that...   That's probably because its such a hole-in-the-wall restaurant that it doesn't have a Facebook page!

How do you feel about the paparazzi?  *facepalm* question.  What do you do when you aren't acting?  Well, sleep, blog, respond on Facebook to fans, attempt at volleyball, repeat.  And then, when its not summer, there's school of course.  No, I'm kidding.  I love to hang out with friends, meet some of my fans, but I'm not really to into the melodramatic fans.  They can sometimes be a little creepy...

How many followers do you have on Facebook?  I don't know, I haven't been on since my movie came out.

Wow.  A teen like you to go without Facebook for a week?  That's what I said!  I prefer to talk to people face to face.

Who supports you the most in your acting career?  My parents have always encouraged me to follow my dreams.  I love you, Mom and Dad!

A few questions with quick answers-

Favorite music artist?  Superchick
Favorite movie? "Maleficent" (2014)
Favorite color?  Pink