Sunday, July 27, 2014
Church this Morning
Hi! I have spent the past week catching up with my friends and just having some fun! This morning, I went to church. The sermon was great! It was all about salvation and how to get to heaven. I have been a Christian since I was 7 years old. I was that old when the Gospel message just clicked for me. :) Have a great Sunday!
Sunday, July 20, 2014
Liebster Award!

Yay! *Claps eagerly* I got awarded this by Mickayla from the blog, Pencils Can Change the World! This is too exciting! Thank you so much, Mickayla!!!
11 Random Facts About Me
This has to be the best award ever because I am like, really weird!
1. I wore converse shoes to a movie premiere.
2. I got to film a movie in Ireland.
3. I used to hate acting. Now I love it ;)
4. I am still trying to figure out exactly how to sign my name for an autograph. Every way I try takes too long.
5. I favorite music artist is Superchick.
6. I avoid checking my Facebook account.
7. I love bright colors, especially hot pink!
8. I love to dance!
9. The most beautiful place I have ever been to is the Grand Canyon.
10. I really don't like math.
11. I love all things medieval.
11 Answers to 11 Questions
1. In your spare time, would you rather: read, write, draw, or cook? Read!!! There is nothing like a good book.
2. Are you currently working on writing a novel? No... the only writing that I do is for my blog and school.
3. If you said yes to the last question, what genre? I didn't say
4. Have you ever gotten a book published? Nope! Never written a book before! But I do publish posts as often as I can!
5. When did you start blogging? I started blogging on June 1st, 2014 and I love it!
6. Do you like going to bed with wet hair? Yes! I love it! People think I'm crazy, but hey, I am crazy!
7. What is your favorite Bible verse? My favorite Bible verse has to be Mark 16:15.
8. How often do you post on your blog? Umm...I try to do it at least 4 times a week...but sometimes filming gets a bit crazy for that.
9. Have you ever been nominated for a different blogger award? No. This is my first, and I'm really excited about it!
10. What is your favorite thing to draw (if you draw)? Stick figures! I can't draw anything else. LOL!
11. How do you make tough decisions? I pray about the decision and talk to my parents.
So, technically I am supposed to now nominate 9 bloggers who have under 200 followers to receive the award. But, I don't know any bloggers who meet that criteria who haven't already done it! So, if you have under 200 followers and you would like to do it, go ahead!

My Questions For You:
1. Why did you start blogging?
2. (Random question), what is the color of your ceiling?
3. What kind of shoes do you most often wear?
4. What is your favorite game to play?
5. Read, watch a movie, write, or play a game?
6. If you could be born in another time period, what would it be?
7. What is your favorite Bible verse?
8. Do you wear sunglasses when you are out in the sun?
9. Are you right-handed or left-handed?
10. What is the most fun thing that you do?
11. Do you like to eat?
Saturday, July 19, 2014
Yesterday Was The Last Day of Filming My Next Movie
Well, I am finished filming. It was an exhausting month. The movie will hit the theaters in about a year and a half, now. My friends have been begging to tell me what the movie is going to be, but I just shake my head every time. Sorry, I can't tell!
Sometimes I wish that my life could go back to normal, you know, when I could take a walk in my
neighborhood without the newspaper being ten steps behind me. I am sure that I'm not so famous elsewhere, but in my town, yes I'm famous. I don't live in a super small town, like where everybody knows everybody, so when someone that I don't know spots me, they are really excited and ask for my autograph and stuff.
Sorry for my rambling. :) If you met me, you wouldn't go crazy...would you?

neighborhood without the newspaper being ten steps behind me. I am sure that I'm not so famous elsewhere, but in my town, yes I'm famous. I don't live in a super small town, like where everybody knows everybody, so when someone that I don't know spots me, they are really excited and ask for my autograph and stuff.
Sorry for my rambling. :) If you met me, you wouldn't go crazy...would you?
Friday, July 18, 2014
The Past Month
Sorry I haven't posted in like forever! I have been really, really, really, really busy! Long story short, I was shooting ANOTHER movie! Isn't that totally the BEST THING EVER?! I am not allowed to tell you what it is about (policy you know, and well, spoilers in general), I can tell you that I had to cry a lot. It was pretty hard since I was super excited to be in another movie! In this movie, I play a much bigger part than the last one, which is super great. Oh, the best part about it is that its a Christian movie! Since its summer, I don't have to do school on set, which is great. Oh! I have to go, the director needs me on set.
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
Hawaii Trip Brief Overview
Aloha! I just got back from my super totally amazing trip to Hawaii! The airplane ride went well...other then a few people demanding my autograph. *rolls eyes* I guess that's part of being an actress. Anyways, I spent a lot of time on the beach and even tried my hand at surfing. I wiped out...a lot. Unfortunately, Mom was videoing me with her phone. Hopefully it doesn't end up on YouTube later *chews nails*.
Friday, June 6, 2014
Sleepover with My BFF!
Hi fans! Ok, so, I am at my best friend's house for a sleepover and we are having tons of fun! We watched a movie, played games, and even made a music video! And, of course, I was the star! Earlier we were taking a walk around the neighborhood and there were like a parade off people following us. I was used to it but I think my BFF totally freaked out. She is kinda a shy person.
All next week I am going to be on vacation in Hawaii, so I wont be able to post :(. I doubt I will even have wifi or Internet! Crazy, huh? I am going to miss everyone! Anyway, I don't want to leave my BFF by herself so I got to run! Bye!
All next week I am going to be on vacation in Hawaii, so I wont be able to post :(. I doubt I will even have wifi or Internet! Crazy, huh? I am going to miss everyone! Anyway, I don't want to leave my BFF by herself so I got to run! Bye!
Thursday, June 5, 2014
Photo Shoot
Hey everybody. So yesterday was my photo shoot, and it was totally awesome!!! I had my own personal stylists who did my hair and make up. I was seriously sitting there for like three hours, but at least I didn't have to do school. When they put me in front of a mirror I didn't even recognize myself. I had a ton of makeup on, and I hardly ever wear makeup. Jk I lied. I've never worn makeup. I guess its not really my thing.
Then I tried on a bunch of different outfits. The photographer took a ton of pictures (almost as many as my mom). They told me to look serious and then happy and then sad and then to cry and then laugh. It was exhausting. I don't even have that many emotions. A lot of the time I mean I'm like a Darth Vadar. Then sometimes I'm totally crazy though. I think the photographer thought I was a little odd. Then again maybe I should take out the little.
I hope they choose a good picture. I don't want my first magazine to look absolutely awful (which I'm sure it will). I still can't believe I'm gonna be on a magazine. This all feels so weird. Oh, and it's taking me forever to get the makeup off. I've been working on it for at least an hour. I think I might have to try windex next.
Then I tried on a bunch of different outfits. The photographer took a ton of pictures (almost as many as my mom). They told me to look serious and then happy and then sad and then to cry and then laugh. It was exhausting. I don't even have that many emotions. A lot of the time I mean I'm like a Darth Vadar. Then sometimes I'm totally crazy though. I think the photographer thought I was a little odd. Then again maybe I should take out the little.
I hope they choose a good picture. I don't want my first magazine to look absolutely awful (which I'm sure it will). I still can't believe I'm gonna be on a magazine. This all feels so weird. Oh, and it's taking me forever to get the makeup off. I've been working on it for at least an hour. I think I might have to try windex next.
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
Hanging Out
Hey guys!
Today is kinda uneventful. Just resting and hanging out with my mom and dad, which I’m really looking forward to. To be honest I miss some of my days like this, but I’ve got a lot to make up for it! First of all Holly’s Deli is getting loads more people crowding in to try their food. I told you it’s good! Also it’s supper cool being followed around by body guards. If anyone is being a jerk at school, I just say, “By the way, I got body guards that might come after you if you aren’t careful!” ☺
Then of course, there is the acting part. It’s so cool hanging around fellow actresses and actors who have the same passion as I do. We all have a lot of fun.
And tomorrow I have this photo shoot thing. Wish me luck. I’m super excited cause I always made creepy faces in the mirror. Now more people can see how crazy I am!
Monday, June 2, 2014
Details on Premiere Last Night
Okay, so let me tell you about the premiere last night. It was okay, not really my thing I guess. It was so high end. Hmm...I'll just have to live with it if I'm going to continue to be an actress.
So, this black limo came to our house and then we got in it. We drove a couple of hours to the venue. I was through the roof with excitement! It was kind of funny in the limo because of the tainted windows! The people outside can't see in. I think I saw some people in passing cars taking pictures of the limo, maybe hoping it was some super famous actor or something. I guess that will be me as soon as the movie hits theaters...
Then, the driver pulled up the Red Carpet. My heart pounded dizzyingly. Someone opened the door, revealing my family and I. I got out, revealing my converse shoes a bit, and people restrained by these barricade things started cheering madly. It was kind of creepy...everyone cheering for me.
My dad helped my mom out of the limo. Then there were a whole bunch of blinding flashes that came out of nowhere. I managed to smile some, but my eyes were probably closed for all of the pictures! :D
So, we walked down the Red Carpet, frequently being stopped by some photographer. I wonder if he is absolutely loving his job. My guess is "yes". ;)
Basically, we watched the movie and then went to this party thing. It was fun to see that people I had worked with. The food was okay...definitely not as good as Holly's Deli. LOL
So, this black limo came to our house and then we got in it. We drove a couple of hours to the venue. I was through the roof with excitement! It was kind of funny in the limo because of the tainted windows! The people outside can't see in. I think I saw some people in passing cars taking pictures of the limo, maybe hoping it was some super famous actor or something. I guess that will be me as soon as the movie hits theaters...
Then, the driver pulled up the Red Carpet. My heart pounded dizzyingly. Someone opened the door, revealing my family and I. I got out, revealing my converse shoes a bit, and people restrained by these barricade things started cheering madly. It was kind of creepy...everyone cheering for me.
My dad helped my mom out of the limo. Then there were a whole bunch of blinding flashes that came out of nowhere. I managed to smile some, but my eyes were probably closed for all of the pictures! :D
So, we walked down the Red Carpet, frequently being stopped by some photographer. I wonder if he is absolutely loving his job. My guess is "yes". ;)
Basically, we watched the movie and then went to this party thing. It was fun to see that people I had worked with. The food was okay...definitely not as good as Holly's Deli. LOL
Sunday, June 1, 2014
Movie Premiere Tonight!
Ahh!!! I am crazily nervous/excited/hyper for the movie premiere tonight! I got this cool dress and these super uncomfortable heels to go with it. The dress is long, so I am secretly going to be wearing converse shoes under it. Lol! :D I have to go! I'll post more about it tomorrow! Bye!
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